State Coordinators FAQ (para español)
What does a NIMAC State Coordinator do?
• To designate and manage Authorized Users for your state
By default, State Coordinators can designate up to 5 (five) AUs. If additional accounts are needed, the SC is welcome to contact the NIMAC at NIMAC[at] to request additional accounts.
What does it mean to “opt into” the NIMAC?
IDEA 2004 required all States to adopt NIMAS as the source file format for producing accessible formats for K-12 textbooks and core print instructional materials. However, states were given the option of either working with the NIMAC, or working directly with publishers to obtain NIMAS files. (All states and eligible outlying areas have opted in and coordinated with the NIMAC.)
States that opt into the NIMAC agree to do two things:
- They agree to include NIMAS language in their print book adoption contracts and purchase agreements requiring publishers to submit NIMAS files to the NIMAC. The National Center for AEM provides Sample Contract Language on their site.
- They agree to abide by the limitations set out in IDEA 2004 regarding NIMAS use and student eligibility. These limitations are detailed in the NIMAC Coordination Agreement which is signed by all coordinating states, and in the NIMAC Limitation of Use Agreement which is signed by all Authorized Users and registered Accessible Media Producers.
How do I create Authorized User accounts?
- Log into the NIMAC
- Your default landing page will be Manage Authorized Users
- Click the button to Add a New Authorized User
- Enter the new user’s information and click Create. The user will now appear under your “New” users.
- The system automatically emails the new user a link to complete the registration process. This same email will include the Limitation of Use Agreement as an attachment.
- When the user completes the registration, he or she now shows up under your “Pending” users.
- The user then either emails a scan or mails a hard copy of the completed Limitation of Use Agreement to the NIMAC. Once the NIMAC has received this document, we can activate the account. The user will then show in your “Active” users.
One of my AUs has left his or her position. How do I transfer the account to someone else?
Because of the system DRM, NIMAC AU accounts are not transferable. They are associated with the individual and not the organization or agency as a whole. If your AU leaves the position, please delete that account and create a new account for the person now taking on the role.